Just One Sugary Treat Can Still Cause Tooth Decay
As dental professionals, we feel like broken records telling people to reduce…
Can This Sweetener Stop Tooth Decay?
We all know that the only tried and true method of preventing cavities is…
Healthy Foods That Can Be Bad For Your Teeth
Some foods that are genuinely good for your overall health can actually…
When to See an Endodontist
An endodontist is a type of specialist dentist. Like many healthcare terms, the…
How Does Numbing Work?
It may seem like magic to have a dental procedure and not even feel it, but how…
Top Dental Health Concerns for Toddlers
Whether they're in the "Terrible Twos", the "Tantrum Threes", or the "Fearsome…
Three Great Times of Year to Get a Teeth Whitening
Having a great-looking smile can change how you feel and act, and one of the…
E-Cigarettes Are Still Bad for Your Teeth!
Electronic cigarettes and vaporizers have quickly become a trendy alternative…
Taking the X-Factor Out of Dental X-Rays
Dental radiographs, commonly known as dental x-rays, are one of the dentist’s…
How Dentists Match the Color of a Dental Crown
Some patients may be surprised to know that many dentists consider themselves…